
How to do international business and get paid fast

Sunday, December 28, 2003

December 28, 2003
Las Vegas, NV.

For those of you who regularly follow my Trash to Cash Series and like getting the tips for turning trash into cash as well as learning best practices for successful online selling, here are a few more ideas.

If you want to expand your international sales it's got to be easy to do business with you. One of the easiest ways to get paid fast is to have an account with PAYPAL.com under your e-mail address. Anyone, anywhere in the world with an e-mail address can send you money.

It used to be you'd have to wait weeks to receive payments from buyers in other countries and then it would be weeks before they received the items. Using PAYPAL I've been able to get paid amazingly fast, often while I've been sleeping from someone paying from a different time zone on the other side of the world.

My favorite e-mail is "You've Got Cash."

Another way to increase your international business is to offer pricing that even when you add the cost of the shipping to that country your price beats the competition. How is this possible?
Well if you've been with me for any length of time you know my philosophy: "Selling is not about selling, it's about buying."

If you buy right, there's a buyer somewhere in the world for what you've got who will pay you enough for you to make substantial profits.

I would like to hear from other people about their success and failures using online payment services such as PAYPAL or BIDPAY and about how using these services has changed or enhanced your business. Send your comments to lori@trashtocashtoolkit.com.

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